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A platform for Freelancers built by Freelancers! TranZynergy joins FasterCapital‘s Raise Capital programTranZynergy is a SaaS platform that helps freelancers build and manage teams. TranZynergy’s teambuildingsolution allows freelancers to find each other, form teams, and collaborate like a corporate team without losing their freelance lifestyle.TranZynergy is based in the United States and is founded by

Startups in MENA are not getting the support they need especially when it comes to funding. FasterCapital is an online incubator and accelerator that is based in Dubai and is helping more and more startups in MENA raise capital and grow. Whether you are in the Ecommerce, the B2B, or any other sector, starting a

FasterCapital helps startups raise capital through connecting them with angel investors and VCs.