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Ready to read some of the best oxymoron examples out there? Want to transform lifeless speeches, scripts, poems, situations, dialogue, or settings, so they come alive in the mind of your readers and listeners? Then you’ve come to the right place. Oxymorons are one of the “seasonings” in great writing. Sprinkle in a few to

Online jobs and freelancing have surged in popularity over recent years, and this growth shows no signs of stopping. As technology advances, people enjoy the freedom of choosing their own hours and being their own boss. Did you know that even if you’ve never worked online before, there are many career courses online where you

A check is a written instruction from you to your bank to pay the bearer of the check a sum of money that you specify on the piece of paper. Checks have fallen out of use in recent years, but there are still instances in which you may need to know how to write a

Blog comments are a relic from a bygone era. That’s the word on the street, isn’t it? In its heyday, a blog comment was powerful. Write good comments and they could land you on the radar of a popular blogger — the kind of super-connected influencer who could accelerate your success. But that was then,

Let me guess… You’re staring at a blank page. Your brain is fried. And you can feel a headache coming on. You know you should be writing, but… You can’t do this anymore. Your muse is gone. Your well of inspiration is empty. Finished. Stone-dry. You’re not just bored or tired. No, no. This is

If you’ve ever wondered how people save $10,000 in six months to a year – your answer is the 10k savings challenge. The idea behind this is to save $10,000 in 52 weeks by saving a set amount of money each week. You can certainly save $10,000 in just one year by making small, meaningful,

People all over the world make money online every day. Yet, this can be pretty intimidating for someone not used to the process. So, if you are new to this, we are going to take you through all the different ways to make money online for beginners- for free! Its about finding your passion and

Wouldn’t you love to smash your content out of the ring every time? To always land that knockout blow, just like your writing idols? Imagine having the same audience of cheering fans, clamoring to read your next post (or to buy your first book as a published author). Yep. That’s the dream, alright. But let’s

Learning how to format a book properly is perhaps the most under-appreciated skill that authors can learn. And thankfully, book formatting does not need to be hard. There are a number of tools and tips that will take you most of the way there, and while some of the tools may have an upfront cost,

Can you get paid to do people’s homework? Is this a legit side hustle? We are getting into all the details, along with a comprehensive list of online homework jobs that you can apply. Whether you’re an academic teen aiming to impress your dream college’s admissions board, or a stay-at-home parent wanting to make some

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