Backwoods cigars have been a popular brand of cigars since they were introduced in the US in the 1970s. Over the years, they have gained popularity due to their unique taste, aroma, and the convenience they offer. One of the most popular flavors of Backwoods cigars is Banana. In this article, we will take a closer look at the history and production of Banana Backwoods cigars.
Backwoods cigars were first introduced in the US in the 1970s. They were created by a small company based in Philadelphia, which was known as the Richardson Group. The Richardson Group was later acquired by Altadis USA, which is now a subsidiary of Imperial Brands.
Backwoods cigars became popular in the 1980s when they were heavily marketed in urban areas. The cigars were marketed as a rugged and natural alternative to traditional cigars, which were seen as being too sophisticated for some smokers. The unique taste and aroma of Backwoods cigars also contributed to their popularity.
The tobacco used in Bananas Backwoods cigars is sourced from the Dominican Republic. The tobacco is grown in the Cibao Valley, which is known for its fertile soil and perfect climate for tobacco growth. The tobacco is sun-grown, which means it is exposed to the sun for long periods to increase its strength and flavor.
The flavoring used in Banana Backwoods cigars is a proprietary blend of natural and artificial flavors. The flavoring is added during the manufacturing process and is carefully measured to ensure consistency in taste and aroma. The flavoring used in Banana Backwoods cigars is unique and cannot be found in any other cigar brand.
The manufacturing process of Banana Backwoods cigars is done in a highly controlled environment to ensure consistency in quality. The tobacco is first dried and then rolled into a cigar shape. The flavoring is then added to the cigar, and it is sealed using a homogenized tobacco leaf. The cigars are then packed and shipped to retailers.
Banana Backwoods cigars have a unique and sweet taste that is loved by many smokers. The flavoring used in the cigars gives them a distinct taste that cannot be found in any other cigar brand.
The aroma of Banana Backwoods cigars is also unique and sweet. The aroma is not overpowering and adds to the overall smoking experience.
Backwoods Banana cigars are known for their convenience. They are small, easy to carry, and do not require any cutting or preparation before smoking. They are perfect for smokers who want a quick and hassle-free smoking experience.
Banana Backwoods cigars are a popular brand of cigars that offer a unique taste, aroma, and convenience. The history and production of Banana Backwoods cigars are fascinating, and it’s easy to see why they have gained such a large following. If you’re a smoker looking for a sweet and easy-to-smoke cigar, Banana Backwoods cigarsare definitely worth a try.