Is Stroke a Cause of Dementia? Prabhi Sodhi Answers

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Is Stroke a Cause of Dementia Prabhi Sodhi Answers (1)
February 23, 2023 / By myra

Strokes result in damage to a person’s brain. This is one of the reasons why they can cause dementia, puts forth Prabhi Sodhi. Although the possibility can differ from case to case, this dementia specialist opines that it should not be fully neglected. Old age is one of the factors that can be linked to brain attacks. In addition, familial history, the condition of the heart, etc., can also be concerning in this regard. Those who are susceptible to these should understand whether or not strokes can lead to dementia and how.

Prabhi Sodhi Helps to Know How can a Stroke Cause Dementia?

A well-known United Kingdom expert Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi is known by Prabhi Sodhi, Praby Sodhi and Prabhy Sodhi. He mentions when a stroke occurs; it can affect the brain or its processes in some ways. In the observation of Prabhi Sodhi, due to this reason, the attack can be responsible for the development of dementia at some point in time.

To understand this in-depth, look at the following points:

  • When a stroke is observed, its impact is seen on the brain.
  • This impact comprises reduced blood flow to this organ.
  • A lack of this flow can affect the brain further and be a cause of dementia.
  • As a consequence of this, these processes can receive unlikely effects:
    • Processing language
    • Memory
    • The ability to concentrate
    • Communication
  • Over time, cognition can begin to decline as the condition progresses.

What Kinds of Stroke Can Result in Dementia?

Mainly, one should know about 2 kinds of strokes, according to Prabhi Sodhi. These include hemorrhagic and ischemic attacks, as per this dementia specialist. Even though they are varied, they can result in brain diseases like dementia.

  1. Hemorrhagic:

In this kind of stroke, a blood vessel can become damaged and then burst. Consequently, blood is unable to reach the brain. There can be disruptions in its flow. This can make it difficult to survive. However, after survival, the chances of dementia can develop.

  1. Ischemic:

During an ischemic attack, blood clots can block vessels. This blockage can later rise in the form of strokes. This attack is more common than the other ones. With its occurrence, too, the damage observed in the brain can give rise to the disorder.

Which Type of Dementia Can Strokes Cause?

Strokes may be the cause of different types of brain diseases like dementia. Vascular dementia, among all, can be commonly caused by them. In this type of disease, there is an improper flow of blood to an individual’s brain. The occurrence of strokes can easily be linked to this condition.

In addition to knowing the type of dementia that can occur because of a stroke, there are certain other important things as well.

  • Brain diseases may not instantly develop after a stroke.
  • They can take time to get developed, adds Prabhi Sodhi.
  • Not every person who experiences an attack will be subject to this risk.
  • After a stroke has occurred, several other factors can determine the chances of dementia.
  • Even when vascular dementia develops, there can be further types of this condition:
    • Single or multi-infarct
    • Mixed
    • subcortical

Prabhy Sodhi Tells How to Know whether Dementia is Developing Post a Stroke?

It is important to note if some changes are taking place in the health of a person who has undergone a stroke. This observation, according to Praby Sodhi, can indicate whether dementia is developing.

Since vascular dementia is more common, one should be aware of its symptoms. These symptoms can comprise:

  • Poor organization/planning
  • Not understanding directions or instructions properly
  • Remaining in a state of confusion
  • The onset of losing memory
  • Difficulties in speaking
  • Differences in mood such as remaining depressed or anxious

When caregivers and family members begin to notice these, the dementia specialist believes that no delay should be made in seeking medical attention. This can be the beginning of dementia. With timely aid, its progression can be slowed down.

To Conclude the Above

Strokes do not indicate a mild condition. They tend to cause serious consequences during and after they occur. Prabhi Sodhi rightly suggests that after such attacks occur, caregivers should be mindful of the condition of patients. Strokes are a potential cause of dementia. In case they show any symptoms of this disease, they should be quickly brought to treatment.