How to Get Rid of a Wasps Nest Safely

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Dacre’s Pest Control
March 16, 2023 / By Ardrew

Do wasps make an appearance in your garden? After you locate the nest, eliminating the wasps is a simple task. Removing a wasp nest without being stung might be more difficult.

Wasp stings might be painful, but they won’t kill you. They may cause potentially fatal reactions in those who are allergic to them.

When compared to bees, wasps may sting more than once. As a result, if you remove a wasp nest the wrong way, you can end yourself in a gherkin. That’s why hiring Dacre’s Pest Control is so important to remove wasp nests safely.

Make Sure You Understand This Before Entering

Individuals allergic to wasp stings or others should exercise extreme caution. Anyone with a severe allergy to wasps should contact Dacre’s Pest Control to have a professional remove the colony. It’s especially crucial to remember if the wasps you’ve seen are the more dangerous bald-faced hornets or yellow jackets.

It’s vital to tell these pests apart from paper wasps and honeybees. If you are easily startled, have a phobia of stinging insects, or need to use a ladder to solve the situation, you may want to see a professional for help.

Don’t put yourself in danger; if you must do things on your own, use protective clothing and equipment if you have to interact with bees. Before using any chemical, be sure you read and understand all of the label instructions.

Locating a Paper Wasp Nest and What to Do About It

The first step in eliminating a nest of paper wasps is confirming that it is the species at hand. Some wasp nests resemble beehives but need a somewhat different elimination method.

As the Endangered Species Act protects species like the yellow-faced bee and the rusty-patched bumblebee, any destruction to their habitat might result in severe penalties. If you want to remove a wasp nest without being stung, you need to be very certain that’s what it is.

What does a nest of paper wasps look like? It resembles a cone with a flat top and a single, circular rib that provides support, like an umbrella. Wasps may make their homes in a variety of places, including:

  • Attics
  • Parts of a tree that extend outward
  • Soffits
  • Roofing for verandas
  • Interior angles of windows
  • The ground underneath decks and patios
  • Parts of a grill or a hose reel that are not visible

Professional pest control services can help you identify whether or not you are dealing with a paper wasp nest.

Have Wasps Ever Caused Any Harm?

Yes, wasps do have stingers. Yet, not all wasps are created equal in terms of hazard. Yellow jackets will defend their nest aggressively if it is disturbed. Even unintentional contact with a yellow jacket nest might result in a painful sting. Mud wasps, on the other hand, are far less aggressive.

Although possessing deadly stingers, they often avoid coming into touch with humans. The risk of getting stung rises if you come into contact with a nesting wasp, yellow jacket, or hornet.

Others say you may kill all the stinging insects and destroy their nest by setting it on fire. Most nests are located in adjacent trees and bushes or on your land, which poses a problem when using fire. Using heat to destroy a nest is bad since you might accidentally start a fire in your home or yard.

Several bloggers and You Tubers recommend combining dish soap and water in a spray bottle and then using it to drown the active nest and destroy the colony. There are situations when this might be useful.

If you’re brave enough to trust soap and go within a few feet of a swarm of stinging insects, it’s worth a shot. After accomplishing this dangerous activity, using soap won’t stop the bugs from returning to you.

Using a bat is very risky, particularly at night. Nest-protecting wasps and hornets will sting if they feel threatened, and the queen will sacrifice herself if necessary.

How to Safely Remove a Wasp Nest?

Choose a suitable action, such as killing or removing. Throughout the night, you should try to eliminate them without killing them. While you labor at night, you won’t be disturbed as many wasp nests.

Get a plastic storage container and place it over the wasps’ nest. To remove the nest, forcefully roll the container across the room to the opposing side. Hastily, please return the cover.

After the nest is destroyed, the wasps will need to be moved. The likelihood of their returning to your home increases if you relocate them near by. It’s also a good idea to steer clear of any parks or other areas with many people.

It would be great to set up a camp on some adjacent uninhabited land. When you get there, just set the box down on the floor. If you want to depart, you need to uncover the device first. You have to go back and fetch the container again if you want to try to slip out the back, but we’re not really into that.


A professional pest control service has access to sophisticated tools unavailable to the average homeowner. Techs, for example, may go dangerously close to the hive without worrying about being stung if they wear protective gear developed for using bees.


Wasps and hornets may be eliminated and prevented from returning with the use of commercial-grade poisons, which licensed exterminators from Dacre’s Pest Control have access to. Learning the behaviors of stinging insects and why it takes more than physically breaking down the nest gives professionals a unique edge over amateurs. Several methods are used to eliminate nests based on the kind of pest, the extent of the infestation, and the area.

Dacre’s Pest Control provides a service to remove active wasp, hornet, and yellow jacket nests from your home. The technician will arrive at your home with protective gear to avoid being stung. Going inside the nest of stinging insects and wiping them out will be accomplished with the help of tools.