How to Evaluate The Right Cloud Service Provider For Your Need

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cloud computing
April 17, 2023 / By stellagomez

IT services are moving towards cloud computing. Cloud services are increasingly commonplace in businesses as they turn their attention to digital transformation and adopt an agile software development methodology.


Also, you can find a large variety of cloud service providers that exist and provide special services. As a result, selecting the best cloud computing solutions provider might be challenging for businesses. Fortunately, you can identify the ideal choice for your company’s needs and industry with a little amount of planning and study. 


Here are some considerations you should make if you want to employ a supplier for your business. But before this, understand what cloud computing is.


What is a Cloud Computing Service? 

When computing resources are delivered on-demand over the internet, such as servers, storage, databases, software, analytics, and more, this is referred to as cloud computing. Cloud service providers offer these services, managing and maintaining the underlying infrastructure so consumers can use these resources remotely and only pay for what they use.


The market is dominated by the top three cloud solutions service providers. The breakdown is as follows:


  • Amazon Web Services (63%)
  • Azure by Microsoft (29%)
  • Google Cloud Platform (8%) 


1: Private vs Public Cloud

Public and private cloud services are the two main categories. Private clouds are run and controlled by the organization, as opposed to public clouds, which are owned and managed by third-party suppliers. Each sort of cloud has benefits and drawbacks.


  • Public Clouds – In general, public clouds are more scalable and less expensive than private clouds. Since the supplier handles maintenance and upgrades, they are also simpler to administer. However, you could not have as much control over the infrastructure with public clouds and they might not be as secure as private clouds.


  • Private Clouds – On the other hand, private clouds provide more security and control. They are perfect for companies that deal with sensitive data or have rigorous compliance needs. Although they might not be as scalable as public clouds, private clouds can be more expensive to set up and maintain.


2: Reliable 

To reduce the risk of data loss and intrusions, businesses need a cloud service provider with solid security and storage capabilities. You should only use cloud services that you can depend on no matter what. Cloud security needs to be customized for a business because typical security solutions do not provide appropriate protection.


Expecting perfection is unrealistic because any cloud computing service will occasionally have outages. What matters is how the service provider handles the downtime. 


3: Security 

When choosing a cloud service provider, security should come first. To protect your data, look for a supplier who uses industry-standard security methods like encryption and multi-factor authentication. The provider’s data centers’ physical security is another significant factor to take into account.


Other factors that influence people’s decisions about public cloud service providers include security and compliance. For instance, the majority of security services are offered by both AWS and Azure. However, you can have a certain security requirement that is only met by one provider.


4: Cloud Service Model

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) are the three models most commonly used to describe cloud services.


  • IaaS provides virtualized computing resources, including servers, storage, and networking, on a pay-as-you-go basis. For businesses that wish to create and maintain their own apps and infrastructure, this strategy is perfect.


  • Developers may build, deploy, and manage applications using the PaaS platform. For businesses that wish to concentrate on application development without bothering about infrastructure management, this architecture is appropriate.


  • SaaS offers software and apps that are hosted in the cloud and accessed via a web browser. For businesses that want to use software without bothering about setup, upkeep, or upgrades, this model is perfect.


5: Migration Support 

Planning your migration strategy is necessary once you’ve decided on a cloud computing solution. This entails determining the apps and data that must be transferred to the cloud, determining whether these applications are compatible with the cloud environment, and preparing for any necessary adjustments or updates. 


By minimizing the usage of services that restrict your ability to relocate or switch providers, you can reduce the danger of vendor lock-in and ensure that your selected provider uses the least amount of proprietary technology.


6: Cost 

The primary motivator for most firms to shift to the cloud is certainly cost. The price may differ from cloud to cloud depending on your requirement for products and services. The total cost of ownership, which includes the price of resources, support, and any additional services you might require, is an important factor to take into account when selecting a cloud service provider.


In conclusion, cloud computing services have emerged as a well-liked and successful method for companies to acquire computing resources on demand. In the years to come, cloud computing is set to become an even more crucial component of contemporary enterprises as it continues to develop and get better.