Growth of Temporary Staffing Services in India

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September 22, 2023 / By kutumbhhrcare

In past years, temporary staffing has evolved and grabbed the attention of employers and job seekers. It has become a remarkable trend across sectors and industries. 

Temporary staffing is referred to as hiring candidates for a specific period in a specific role. It is done generally to meet short-term workforce requirements. Temporary staffing services are growing day by day in India in line with the increasing demand for temporary workers across various industries.

Temporary staffing is growing at 15-18% YoY. For instance, the growth rate has been 16.3% in 2022. It is an increasing trend among companies as they opt for flexible hiring solutions to meet their workforce needs. 

The usual emergence of urgent projects due to seasonal demands and the rising popularity of remote work is expected to contribute to the growth of temporary staffing in India. 

India’s Evolving Job Market

India’s job market has gone through a notable change in recent years with traditional forms of employment giving way to more flexible and dynamic hiring solutions. These changes come due to several factors such as globalisation, technological innovations and rapidly transforming business models. Gone are the days when some candidates used to spend decades working for a single company. Today, candidates are exploring new opportunities across industries and sectors. Now, companies focus more on hiring. They need candidates who have specific expertise that aligns with their requirements. This temporary staffing trend has opened up new doors for candidates while making it necessary for companies to adapt to rapidly changing skill demands.

Detailing the Significance of Temporary Staffing

The need for temporary staffing is increasing because of the flexibility employers and employees get in employment. Companies are evolving quickly to deal with the changing business dynamics and uncertain economic conditions. Temporary staffing allows companies to scale their workforce up or down as needed.

Another factor resulting in increasing temporary hiring is productivity. Companies understand that hiring skilled temporary workers for certain projects or tasks can often result in great output and productivity. Directly hiring a skilled workforce with niche skills, organisations tap into their expertise to make most of the demand. 

Temporary staffing services provide companies access to a diverse pool of skilled talent as per their requirements. That helps increase operational agility and safeguard compliance compared to traditional staffing solutions. 

Some Trends of Temporary Hiring in India:

Demand for Temporary Workers

Various organisations in India opt for temporary staffing to fulfil the short-term requirements of certain projects or to manage seasonal spikes in demand. This results in an increase in demand for temporary staffing across various sectors.

Flexibility and Cost-Effectiveness

Temporary staffing services offer enhanced flexibility in staffing and are more cost-effective compared to recruiting full-time employees. This is mainly beneficial for small businesses or startups that may not have the resources to hire permanent employees.

The Growing Temporary Workforce

The temporary staffing workforce ecosystem is rapidly expanding in India. Many candidates opt for temporary or contract work to earn a living. This results in a new marketplace that connects these workers with clients seeking their services. Many companies face urgent requirements of a large workforce to fulfil their project needs. However, finding permanent workers at one time is quite challenging. That’s why companies shift their hiring process toward temporary staffing. 

Digital Transformation

Nowadays finding and recruiting temporary staff is not that a big challenge for companies after joining hands with a credible staffing service provider. Reliable staffing companies have a vast pool of talent from which they find suitable temporary candidates for companies. The staffing firm also has the latest tools and technologies that they use to find a reliable source for organisations across India. 


The future of temporary staffing in India is bright as it continues to be a popular practice for organisations looking for flexible staffing solutions. Temporary hiring is expected to grow further in the coming years owing to factors such as the rise of the temporary workforce, increased globalisation, and the need for agility and cost-effective business models. If you are searching for Temporary Staffing Services in India online, contact Kutumbh HRCare (Kaam Matlab Kutumbh)– a trustworthy HR service provider. It fulfils many hiring needs of your organisation from temporary to permanent. Outsource your hiring needs to us and focus on your core business requirements.